About Us
Launched in August 2014 to provide research on some of the city’s most pressing education issues, PERC is currently a partnership between Research for Action and the School District of Philadelphia’s Office of Research and Evaluation. PERC’s eight-year track record has firmly established it as a strong research practice partnership that has successfully adjusted to Philadelphia’s complex, changing, and sometimes challenging context.
Drawing on the complementary capacities of each partner, PERC tackles longer-term, sustained areas of investigation that can be leveraged at the right time by the right people for real change in Philadelphia. Our focus for 2021-2024 is on providing evidence to support the District’s goal for all students to graduate prepared for college or careers.
PERC is funded by the William Penn Foundation and is a member of the National Network of Education Research Practice Partnerships

PERC is co-directed by Dr. Alyn Turner of Research for Action and Dr. Joy Lesnick of the School District of Philadelphia. Our team is comprised of research, administrative, and communications staff from Research for Action and the School District of Philadelphia’s Office of Research and Evaluation. For more information, please email: perc@researchforaction.org.
Research for Action
Alyn Turner, Ph.D.
Co-Director of PERC
Director of Quantitative Research
DeQuendre Bertrand
Director of Communications
Lindsey Liu
Research Associate
Saxon Nelson
Director of Community Engagement
Molly Pileggi
Research Associate
Anna Shaw-Amoah
Policy Research Associate
Sean Vannata
Quantitative Research Fellow
The School District of Philadelphia, Office of Research and Evaluation
Ebru Erdem, Ph.D.
Director, Research, Policy, and Practice
Joy Lesnick, Ph.D.
Co-Director of PERC
Deputy Chief of Research, Evaluation, and Academic Partnerships
Adrienne Reitano, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Roland Reyes
Senior Statistician
Molly Schlesinger, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Ted Wills, Ph.D.
Director, Research, Policy, and Practice