Supporting English Learners

Exploring the Diversity and Supports for School District of Philadelphia English Learners as they Prepare to Transition to High School
By: David Bamat, Sean Vannata, Lindsey Liu, Molly Schlesinger, and Alyn Turner
September 2023
The increasingly larger and more diverse population of EL students in Philadelphia schools requires more resources to provide effective instruction and other student support services. This report explores recent population shifts, focusing on 7th and 8th-grade ELs who are about to make the important transition to high school.

Finding Their Stride: Kindergarten English Learners’ Time to Proficiency in Philadelphia
By: Joshua Lin, Ruth Curran Neild
June 2017
This study provides evidence on the progress toward English proficiency of ELs who entered the District in kindergarten across four cohorts of students: 2008–09 through 2011–12.

Educating English Language Learners: Opportunities for Improved Infrastructure
By: Jeannette Rowland, Rebecca Reumann-Moore, Rosemary Hughes, Joshua Lin
June 2016
This brief examines the challenges schools face in these areas and the strategies they use to mediate them. The purpose of this brief is to share these strategies across schools and with the larger Philadelphia community, in order to help schools continue to improve ELL programming.

Working Together to Support English Language Learners: School-Family-Community Engagement
By: Rosemary Hughes, Rebecca Reumann-Moore, Jeannette Rowland, Joshua Lin
June 2016
This brief focuses on the ways family and community engagement can enhance schools’ efforts to improve outcomes for ELLs and highlights specific strategies schools can use to more effectively engage families and communities.

Educating English Language Learners: Instructional Approaches and Teacher Collaboration in Philadelphia Public Schools
By: Rebecca Reumann-Moore, Jeannette Rowland, Rosemary Hughes, Joshua Lin
June 2016
This brief highlights key findings about how Philadelphia public schools were crafting instructional approaches to serve their ELs and creating possibilities for teachers to collaborate to strengthen teaching and learning.

Student Characteristics of English Language Learners in the School District of Philadelphia
By: Joshua Lin, Rosemary Hughes, Daniel Long, Dae Kim
June 2016
This brief focuses on descriptive characteristics of the ELL students served by the School District of Philadelphia in 2014-2015.